Eva Schubert
Eva Schubert is a singer and songwriter based in Vancouver, Canada. Inspired by jazz greats like Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, and Nina Simone, blues icons like Etta James, and — perhaps improbably — Leonard Cohen, she writes in a diverse range of styles.


Eva Schubert/Music /New album release


New album release

It’s been a long journey, but I am thrilled to be releasing my second album, “Borderless Sky”. A project like this is always intensely personal, but it also involves many other people along the way to bringing it into being.

There are 8 tracks, ranging from the romantic to the lively and humorous. Songs like “They Say” and “Traces of You” are classic jazz, and feature piano and trumpet, recalling the style of Louis Armstrong and Nat King Cole. There’s an intimate bossa nova tune called “Here I Go Again”, and a cheerful horn and piano track called “Feels Like Breathing.”

Alongside the jazz there are tracks that branch into other styles too. “Ribbons and Bows” is a toe tapping fiddle tune with laugh out loud lyrics about one couple’s ongoing conversation, which ranges from stilettos to breast implants. “Backcountry Blues” and “Saying Goodbye” are guitar ballads, full of lush images and invitations to lose yourself in summer days and fields full of dew. The title track, “Borderless Sky” features a slide guitar and story about love at the most unexpected moment.

It’s been a wonderful journey to make this album. Collaborating with trumpet player Fred Palidor, bass player Steve Smith, guitarists Flavio Veloso and Steve Fisk, the incredible violinist Mary Brunner, and cellist Finn Manniche has been a gift. I’ve been profoundly moved by the talent and beauty they have brought to these songs. I also have a huge debt of thanks to producers Paul Claxton and Michael Dewey, and to Shael Wrinch, who mixed, smoothed, and added guitar, mandolin, and all manner of magic.

It it my hope that you will enjoy listening to this music as much as I enjoyed making it!

Written By: Eva Schubert

Eva Schubert is a singer and songwriter based in Vancouver, Canada. Inspired by jazz greats like Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, and Nina Simone, blues icons like Etta James, and — perhaps improbably — Leonard Cohen, she writes in a diverse range of styles.

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