Eva Schubert
Eva Schubert is a singer and songwriter based in Vancouver, Canada. Inspired by jazz greats like Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, and Nina Simone, blues icons like Etta James, and — perhaps improbably — Leonard Cohen, she writes in a diverse range of styles.


Eva Schubert/Podcasts /Ferdinand and Isabella: Episode 4 – The Spanish Inquisition


Ferdinand and Isabella: Episode 4 – The Spanish Inquisition

You have probably heard of the Spanish Inquisition, even if only from a certain Monty Python sketch.  The truth about why it was started and for what purpose will probably surprise you.  In this episode we take a close look at the episodes in Spanish history that prepared the way for the Inquisition.  We also examine how it operated, what forms of torture were used, and who it targeted.  Why did the Pope try to stop it?  What was an auto da fe?  What did it have in common with totalitarian surveillance states?  The villains and victims in this history are almost certainly not who you would expect.

Written By: Eva Schubert

Eva Schubert is a singer and songwriter based in Vancouver, Canada. Inspired by jazz greats like Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, and Nina Simone, blues icons like Etta James, and — perhaps improbably — Leonard Cohen, she writes in a diverse range of styles.

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