Eva Schubert
Eva Schubert is a singer and songwriter based in Vancouver, Canada. Inspired by jazz greats like Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, and Nina Simone, blues icons like Etta James, and — perhaps improbably — Leonard Cohen, she writes in a diverse range of styles.


Eva Schubert/Posts tagged "joy"

joy Tag

Trails of Joy

Your touch is fire, beloved Sudden sparks along the neural net Leaping, arcing, spreading Beneath my skin Like sky-dazzling diamond peonies On the Fourth of July Fading into glow Breaking into slow flame Blazing and roaring, incandescent Until we fall -- embered with bliss Trailing light Into the silent depths Of the flesh-colored nights Phosphorescent down the long hall of memory Like bonfires along a beach Light towers for a midnight ship They are patterns against the dark Trails of fleeting joy Lamps leading home...